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DEUTERONOMY | 4:12 shape — DEUT95 The prophet has already warned us that we ...

DEUT95 The prophet has already warned us that we should be careful not to think that God has any form or likeness, saying: “Watch yourselves most carefully, since you saw no image” (Devarim 4:15); “But you saw no image--there was only a voice” (ibid. 4:12). “Watch yourselves... carefully” means: be careful -- in your thinking and imagination -- not to represent the Creator by any shape, nor to conceive of Him in any image or likeness, for your eyes beheld neither image nor form when He spoke to you, as it says: “To whom, then, will you liken the Almighty? What likeness will you compared to Him?” (Yeshayahu 40:18); “‘To whom then, will you liken Me, that I should compare to?’ says the Holy One” (ibid. 40:25); “For who in the skies can be compared to God? Who is like God among the heavenly beings?” (Tehillim 87:7); “There is none like you among the Gods, Hashem, nor are there works like Yours” (ibid. 86:8); and there are many similar passages.


Source KeyDUTIES
Source Page(s)133-5
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