187 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Deuteronomy, Va'etchanan (Deuteronomy 3:23–7:11), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-DEUT DEUTERONOMY | 4:9 sons — DEUT81 It was taught: "And you shall impart them ... DEUT81 It was taught: "And you shall impart them to your sons and to the sons of your sons." This teaches us that if one teaches his [son's] son Torah, Scripture accounts it to him as if he had taught it to him, to his son, and to his son's son to the end of all the generations (Kiddushin 30a) Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-DEUTVerse4:9Keyword(s)sonsSource Page(s)19 Switch article DEUTERONOMY | 4:9 safeguard — DEUT80 See [[LEV1075]] Leviticus 25:38 live HURWI... Previous Article DEUTERONOMY | 4:9 sons — DEUT82 It was taught: A father is duty-bound to m... Next Article