150 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Deuteronomy, Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1–3:22), Source Book Keys, GATES DEUTERONOMY | 1:17 afraid — DEUT15 (Continued from [[LEV611]] Leviticus 19:17... DEUT15 (Continued from [[LEV611]] Leviticus 19:17 reprove GATES 373-5). A person must expose himself to danger [Tehillim 10:3; I.e., has praised him for doing whatever he wants.] rather than bear upon his soul the sin of such a transgression. Our Sages said (Sotah 41a) regarding [King] Agrippas that he was reading from the Torah and when he reached the pasuk (Devarim 17:15), "You may not appoint over you a foreigner," his eyes shed tears, and they [all] said, "You are our brother!) [Agrippas was a popular leader, appointed by Rome. He was descended from Idumaean converts and hence halachically ineligible to be king. His mother was Jewish; see Sotah 41b, Tosafos s.v. oso.] At that moment, the Jewish people were sentenced to destruction for flattering Agrippas. [Although it was a dangerous situation, they should have remained silent.] One who sits in judgment must also not fear a mortal human being, the pasuk says [this verse], "Do not be afraid of any man." This category that we have mentioned [hero] is that of a wicked man belonging to two evil classes: lying and flattery joined together. Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse1:17Keyword(s)afraidSource Page(s)375 Switch article DEUTERONOMY | 1:17 afraid — DEUT18 It is a negative commandment that the judg... Previous Article DEUTERONOMY | 1:17 afraid — DEUT16 [This verse]. We have been admonished here... Next Article