159 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Pinchas (Numbers 25:10–30:1), Source Book Keys, AMEMEI NUMBERS | 26:11 sons — NUM328 [O]n a personal level, each person has to ... NUM328 [O]n a personal level, each person has to choose the path he or she wants to lead as a Jew. Just because parents have told children what is right and set an example for them is no guarantee that children will follow. At one point everyone must decide for himself or herself. This is expressed in the Mishnah, which says that the Torah is not an automatic inheritance (Avot 2:12). There are those who do not follow in the Torah path even if their parents did. Even in the Bible, many great leaders (Moses, Joshua, Samuel) had children that were nothing out of the ordinary and did not follow the greatness of their parents. But it works both ways. The sons of Korach did not follow in the evil ways of their father, who rebelled against Moses, as they repented and did not die [this verse]. King David even composed a psalm said by or in honor of the sons of Korach (Psalm 48). This idea, that there are no guarantees that children will follow in the religious path of their parents, is alluded to in an enigmatic phrase of the beginning words of every Amidah prayer. The prayer begins by saying that we bless our God and the God of our fathers. Since Judaism believes in only one God, this double phrase must refer to the same God. Why not suffice with just "our God"? It has been said that this shows that each person has a dual relationship with God. A parent who teaches a child to believe in God and follow Jewish tradition is represented by "God of our fathers." But there comes a time in every Jew's life when he or she must make a choice to accept God for himself or herself. This is "our God." Hence, each person has to make his or her own moral choices in life, irrespective of upbringing. Share Print Source KeyAMEMEIVerse26:11Keyword(s)sonsSource Page(s)37 Switch article NUMBERS | 26:9 strove — NUM327 R. Chisda said: If one argues with his tea... Previous Article NUMBERS | 26:55 lot — NUM329 Despite the unity of Jacob's family, the r... Next Article