150 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Balak (Numbers 22:2–25:9), Source Book Keys, MEIR NUMBERS | 24:05 goodly — NUM297 Modesty is a paramount value in Jewish tra... NUM297 Modesty is a paramount value in Jewish tradition … Jewish law asks us to avert our gaze if we see someone engaging in a private activity, even an innocent activity that is not being concealed. Eighteen-century authority Rav Shneur Zalman of Lyady writes, "Neighbors need to be as careful as possible not to look at one another's activities in their common courtyard." Shulhan Arukh ha-Rav, Nizkei Mammon. Modesty is one of the most important foundations of a Torah personality. Modesty means there are some things that we should keep to ourselves or within a small circle of friends. In order to develop a healthy personality, we need a clear demarcation between ourselves and others; we need to know that there are some things that belong only to ourselves, secrets between the individual and the Creator. One way of expressing the idea of modesty is through modesty interest; men and women alike are encouraged to avoid clothing that is revealing, provocative, or flaunt the anatomy. The identical principle applies to one's character; Jewish tradition discourages being, too, open with private information. Our sages state, for instance, that a person should not flaunt his achievement; conversely, someone who has a shortcoming should be discreet about that, too. Bava Metzia 23b, Shabbat 53b. Share Print Source KeyMEIRVerse24:05Keyword(s)goodlySource Page(s)225 Switch article NUMBERS | 24:5 fair — NUM295 The Bible depicts Balaam as having genuine... Previous Article NUMBERS | 24:5 tents — NUM298 In Judaism, it is clear that privacy is a ... Next Article