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NUMBERS | 22:30 answered — NUM285 We must save others from shame. The Midras...

NUM285 We must save others from shame. The Midrash adds that the angel said, "But now since she spoke and rebuked you, and you were not able to withstand her rebuke [this verse], I have killed her, lest people say: 'This is the donkey which rebuked Bilaam and he was not able to answer.' The Almighty has consideration for the honor of mankind." (Midrash Tanchuma cited by Rashi). Bilaam reached the zenith of wickedness by wanting to destroy the entire Jewish people. Even the miraculous occurrence of his donkey's speaking to him did not effect a change of attitude in Bilaam. But God has consideration even for such a person's honor, and does not want him to suffer unnecessary humiliation. All the more so must we be careful not to shame our friends and neighbors. (Rabbi Chayim Shmuelevitz).


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