201 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Balak (Numbers 22:2–25:9), Source Book Keys, HTBAJ NUMBERS | 22:5 Petor — NUM277 … the chief hindrance to humility is ignor... NUM277 … the chief hindrance to humility is ignorance or a little knowledge. You will observe that the more ignorant a man is, the more conceited he is. Our Sages said, "An arrogant disposition betrays ignorance of the Torah." Sanhedrin 24a "When a man boasts, it is a sign that he knows nothing." Zohar on this verse. "When there is only one penny in the pitcher, it makes much noise." Baba Metzia 85b "The trees that bear no fruit were once asked, 'Why can one hear your rustling?' 'So that we might be heard and noticed,' was their reply." Genesis Rabbah 16:3 We have already mentioned that Moses, who was the chosen of men, was also the meekest of men. Share Print Source KeyHTBAJVerse22:5Keyword(s)PetorSource Page(s)94 Switch article NUMBERS | 21:27 rulers — NUM276 It was taught: R. Shmuel b. Nachmani said ... Previous Article NUMBERS | 22:6 curse — NUM278 We should not seek to curse for our enemie... Next Article