147 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Chukat (Numbers 19:1–22:1), Source Book Keys, SACKS NUMBERS | 20:12 because — NUM258 The Torah does not hide anyone's sin. It i... NUM258 The Torah does not hide anyone's sin. It is fearlessly honest about the greatest of the great. Bad things happen when we try to hide people's sins. That is why there have been so many recent scandals in the world of religious Jews, some sexual, some financial, some of other kinds. When religious people hide the truth they do so from the highest of motives. They seek to prevent hillul Hashem. The result, inevitably, is a greater hillul Hashem. Such sanctimony, denying the shortcomings of even the greatest, leads to consequences that are ugly and evil and turn decent people away from religion. The Torah does not hide people's sins. Neither may we. Share Print Source KeySACKSVerse20:12Keyword(s)becauseSource Page(s)337 Switch article NUMBERS | 20:11 struck — NUM256 … rarely did Moses retort with impatience ... Previous Article NUMBERS | 20:12 bring — NUM259 The greatest of the prophets, the primary ... Next Article