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NUMBERS | 18:24 tithe — NUM240 Take the first tithe for the Levites. Havi...

NUM240 Take the first tithe for the Levites. Having chosen the tribe of Levi to serve in the Beis HaMikdash on a permanent and consistent basis, Hashem kindly gives them their sustenance in an honorable manner. It is the way of the world that a king's closest assistants have all their needs provided for them, so that they are free to devote all of their time and energy to the important task of serving the king and furthering his interest in every possible way. Also, owing to their special status, the Levites are given a larger portion of the land’s produce than what is taken by the remaining tribes. After all, there are twelve tribes, so one could expect that the Levites would receive only one-twelfth of the produce. Nevertheless, Hashem increases their portion, for the portion of the Levites amounts to one-tenth, and they incur no expenses that reduce their portion. When someone gives of his produce to sustain Hashem's attendance in the Beis HaMikdash, the blessings of Hashem will rest upon all that he has.


Source Page(s)249-50
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