150 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Shelach (Numbers 13:1–15:41), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-NUM NUMBERS | 14:34 forty — NUM148 Now did they sin forty years? Did they not... NUM148 Now did they sin forty years? Did they not sin forty days? This teaches us that if one sins, even one day during the year, he is accounted by Scripture to have sinned the entire year (Chagigah 8b). Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-NUMVerse14:34Keyword(s)fortySource Page(s)99 Switch article NUMBERS | 14:33 your — NUM147 See [[EXOD1073]] Exodus 34:7 visits DORFFW... Previous Article NUMBERS | 14:37 calumnies — NUM149 [Misah bidei Shamayim -- death administere... Next Article