223 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Shelach (Numbers 13:1–15:41), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-NUM NUMBERS | 14:17 power — NUM142 It was taught: R. Yehoshua b. Levi said: "... NUM142 It was taught: R. Yehoshua b. Levi said: "When Moses ascended on high [to receive the Law], the Holy One Blessed be He said to him: Moses, do they not say "Shalom" ["Greetings"] in your city? Moses responded: Is it proper for a servant to say "Shalom" to his Master? "The Lord answered: You should have assisted Me -- whereupon Moses said: "And now, let the power of the Lord be magnified, I pray you ..." (Shabbath 89a) Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-NUMVerse14:17Keyword(s)powerSource Page(s)97 Switch article NUMBERS | 14:16 powerless — NUM141 (Continued from [[NUM387]] Numbers 32:22 A... Previous Article NUMBERS | 14:18 forgiving — NUM143 See [[EXOD979]] Exodus 32:10 thee COHON 19... Next Article