229 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Shelach (Numbers 13:1–15:41), Source Book Keys, PLYN NUMBERS | 13:1 spy — NUM135 We must learn to see the good in everythin... NUM135 We must learn to see the good in everything and everybody. Rashi cites the Midrash Tanchuma for the reason why the section of the Torah dealing with sending the spies to the land of Canaan is next to the section of Miriam's speaking loshon hora. Even though Miriam was publicly punished for speaking against her brother, these wicked people who witnessed her punishment did not learn a lesson. A question arises. How could the spies be expected to learn from Miriam's loshon hora? Miriam spoke against a person, while they spoke against a land. Rabbi Yisroel Ordman, of Telshe Yeshiva in Lithuania, offered the following explanation. One must acquire the attribute of always seen the good in everything. A person who finds fault with things (meals, accommodations, etc.) will also find fault with people. Conversely, a person who always seeks to find the good in all phenomena will also see the good in his fellow man. That is the lesson the spies should have learned: to notice virtues rather than to seek out faults. As a pious man once noted, "We were given two eyes: one very powerful for introspection, so we should find our smallest faults; the other very weak, for viewing others. Only, too often we switch their functions." Share Print Source KeyPLYNVerse13:1Keyword(s)spySource Page(s)345 Switch article NUMBERS | 12:15 seven — NUM134 See [[NUM105]] Numbers 12:2 only AMJV 75-6... Previous Article NUMBERS | 13:2 chieftain — NUM136 … concern[ing] the ten spies sent by Moses... Next Article