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NUMBERS | 12:3 humble — NUM112 Low self-esteem can also make us unreasona...

NUM112 Low self-esteem can also make us unreasonably fearful. The Bible tells how Moses sent twelve tribal representatives to spy out the land of Israel. They were probably people of good intentions, or Moses would not have sent them, but because the spies had a poor self-image, they panicked when they came upon the inhabitants of Canaan: "We look like grasshoppers to ourselves, and so we must have looked to them" (Numbers 13:33). Thus, when they came back, they advised the Israelites to give up hope of ever living in Canaan. Contrast their behavior with that of Moses, who, although he was the humblest man of his time [this verse], was unintimidated by Pharaoh.


Source KeyTELVOL1
Source Page(s)243
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