228 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Naso (Numbers 4:21–7:89), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-NUM NUMBERS | 6:25 gracious — NUM52 Let Him be gracious unto you in [the granti... NUM52 Let Him be gracious unto you in [the granting of] your requests, as it is written (Exodus 33:19): "And I shall be gracious to whom I shall be gracious." Another view: "And be gracious unto you"-- let him grant you grace in the eyes of men, as it is written (Genesis 39:21): "And He granted him grace in the eyes of the overseer of the prison" (Sifrei) Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-NUMVerse6:25Keyword(s)graciousSource Page(s)57 Switch article NUMBERS | 6:25 face — NUM51 We should greet every man with a pleasant f... Previous Article NUMBERS | 6:25 shine — NUM53 "to shine" -- This refers to the light of T... Next Article