156 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Naso (Numbers 4:21–7:89), Source Book Keys, BOROJMV NUMBERS | 6:24 Lord — NUM50 (Continued from [[GEN427]] Genesis 3:19 swe... NUM50 (Continued from [[GEN427]] Genesis 3:19 sweat BOROJMV 255). Our French sages picked the three biblical verses that make up the Temple priestly benediction: May Adonai bless and guard you; may Adonai glow with concern for you and be gracious to you; may Adonai pay special attention to you and grant you peace" [this and following two verses]. So we begin not with laws directing what we should do for God, or for others in God's name, but with a sense of what God may do for us! Yes, we all can use as much divine help as we can get! Though we are right to expect much of ourselves, our efforts alone can't provide for everything. A quiet sense of our partnership with God empowers even as it humbles. Share Print Source KeyBOROJMVVerse6:24Keyword(s)LordSource Page(s)255 Switch article NUMBERS | 6:23 bless — NUM49 The Kohanim shall bless the people every da... Previous Article NUMBERS | 6:25 face — NUM51 We should greet every man with a pleasant f... Next Article