157 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Naso (Numbers 4:21–7:89), Source Book Keys, CHINUCH NUMBERS | 6:7 impure — NUM40 A nazir shall not let himself become spirit... NUM40 A nazir shall not let himself become spiritually impure even in the event of the death of his closest relatives. The reason for this mitzvah: Although a Kohen (not a Kohen Gadol) is obligated to become spiritually impure when either of his parents die, such is forbidden to a nazir. The difference is that the Kohen’s sanctity is from birth, and it comes to him automatically, without his consent or expressed desire. Except for the fact that he is privileged to serve Hashem in the Beis HaMikdash, he is just like all other Jews. We find him at home rejoicing with his loved ones, including his relatives, whom he invites to all happy occasions. Therefore, when one of his relative dies, his heart is aggrieved. Accordingly, the Torah allows him to become spiritually impure in order to mourn his close relatives, for all the ways of the Torah are pleasant. By contrast, a person chooses to be a nazir, and having done so, he is holy to Hashem for the whole time. During his days as a nazir, he keeps himself above the mundane desires of the physical world. He does not participate in parties, friendly gatherings or family celebrations. By abstaining from wine he shows that his heart is set on afflicting himself, refining his soul and trying to attain deeper understanding of Hashem, all of which requires separation from the mundane aspects of everyday living. Having set his sights on the needs of his soul, and having resolved to set aside the desires of his body, he will not seek the company of his friends, family or relatives. He will find pleasure only in things spiritual, for his soul desirous holiness. Due to his high level of disassociation from his fellow man and his high level of sanctity, if one of his relatives dies--even his mother or father—the Torah does not allow him to become spiritually impure. [In this respect he is similar to the High Priest (Kohen Gadol)--see [[LEV876]] Leviticus 21:11 corpse CHINUCH 172]. After his time of being a nazir, is over, he again becomes like all other Jews and the danger arises that he might start chasing after his physical desires. On the other hand, having once been a nazir to Hashem, there is hope that he will sanctify himself and live out the rest of his days in purity. Share Print Source KeyCHINUCHVerse6:7Keyword(s)impureSource Page(s)235-6 Switch article NUMBERS | 6:6 dead — NUM39 A nazir is forbidden to enter a tent or oth... Previous Article NUMBERS | 6:8 consecrated — NUM41 See [[NUM47]] Numbers 6:14 offering AMEMEI ... Next Article