278 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Bamidbar (Numbers 1:1–4:20), Source Book Keys, PLYN NUMBERS | 3:2 sons — NUM8 It is a very great mitzvah to teach people T... NUM8 It is a very great mitzvah to teach people Torah. Rashi quotes the Talmud (Sanhedrin 19b) that although the verse states that "These are the generations of Aharon and Moshe," only Aharon's sons are listed. This teaches us that whoever teaches his neighbor's son Torah, as did Moshe (see Eruvin 54b), is considered as if he has given birth to him. The Chofetz Chayim cites this principle and writes that it is a very great mitzvah to teach Torah to people who would not learn it otherwise. He also cites the Tana D'vai Eliyahu (ch. 27): "If you see a person who has not studied Torah, bring him to your house, and teach him to recite Shma Yisroel and Shmoneh Esrai, teach him a verse or a law everyday, and encourage him to fulfill the Commandments, for there is no person as naked as he who does not possess Torah and the merit of fulfilling the Commandments." We our obligated to clothe the needy. All the more so are we obligated to supply spiritual clothing for those who lack it. (Ahavas Chesed 3:7). The school of Hillel taught: "A person should teach Torah to everybody. For there have been many sinners who were taught Torah, and their descendants were righteous and pious." That is, not only were they themselves transformed, but their children and children's children were also righteous. (Avos D'Reb Noson 2:9 and Binyan Yehoshua, ibid.) Share Print Source KeyPLYNVerse3:2Keyword(s)sonsSource Page(s)337-8 Switch article NUMBERS | 2:20 generations — NUM7 It was taught: R. Shmuel b. Nachmani said in... Previous Article NUMBERS | 3:4 sons — NUM9 It was taught: Abba Chanan says in the name ... Next Article