258 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Bamidbar (Numbers 1:1–4:20), Source Book Keys, WAGS NUMBERS | 1:1 called — NUM2 (Continued from [[GEN502]] Genesis 4:9 where... NUM2 (Continued from [[GEN502]] Genesis 4:9 where WAGS 118-120). The verse, "And He called to Moshe, and Hashem spoke to him" [this verse] also illustrates this principle. Why did Hashem first call Moshe and afterwards speak to him? The Torah teaches derech eretz: one must not say something to another person unless he first calls to him (Midrash). This rule appears explicitly in the Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh De'ah 246:12): A Rabbi should not be asked questions upon his entering the beis midrash; one may only approach him after he is settled down. The Talmud teachers, "One must first give praises to Hashem, and afterwards he may pray" (Berachos 32a). This idea can also be applied to interpersonal relationships--before making requests of another person, one should first praise him. Share Print Source KeyWAGSVerse1:1Keyword(s)calledSource Page(s)119 Switch article LEVITICUS | 13:45 cry — LEV138 This teaches us that he must make his suff... Previous Article NUMBERS | 1:2 clans — NUM3 In the desert the Jews also remained togethe... Next Article