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LEVITICUS | 26:37 stumble — LEV1134 The sixth category (of The Stringency of ...

LEV1134 The sixth category (of The Stringency of Mitzvos and Classification of Punishment) -- one who is in a position to express his disapproval but does not do so, and he voices no reproof [Tehillim 38:15; This too is a form of flattery and a way of ingratiating oneself]. He does not give a sharp look (Iyov 16:9) when sinning takes place, takes no notice, and refuses to be the one who admonishes. Now the Torah has commanded us to eliminate evil from the midst of our people, as the pasuk says (Devarim 13:6), "You shall eradicate the evil from among you." Our Sages further said (Shabbos 54b): "One who is in a position to object [over the actions] of members of his household and does not do so is held accountable for [the sins committed by] the members of his household; one who is in a position to object [over the actions] of the inhabitants of his city and does not do so is held responsible for [the sins committed by] the habitants of his city; one who is in a position to object [over the actions] of the entire world and does not do so is held responsible for [the sins committed by] the entire world." In addition, the pasuk says [this verse], "They will stumble over each other," and our Sages, z"l, expanded on this (Sanhedrin 27b), "One [will stumble] over the sins of the other." [Based on this,] they said (ibid.) "All Yisrael are responsible for one another."


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