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LEVITICUS | 25:17 wrong — LEV1011 The biblical admonition, "You shall not w...

LEV1011 The biblical admonition, "You shall not wrong one another" (this verse) has been interpreted to apply to all kinds of deception, including deceptive business practices. Hullin 94a. For example, Moses Hayyim Luzzatto interprets this verse to relate to one who advertises one's wares with extravagant praise that actually amounts to the deceit of potential customers. Luzzatto refers also to the talmudic prohibition against painting old goods to look like new goods. Luzzatto, following talmudic precedent, further distinguishes between appropriate and inappropriate advertising strategies. It is appropriate to praise good qualities that merchandise actually has, to make good merchandise more attractive for sale by the manner of its presentation to the potential customer, to proclaim the good value of a sale when such value is offered. However, any deviation from integrity or honesty is not deemed acceptable. Baba Metzia 60a-b One should not, for example, camouflage defects in one's goods; one should not indiscriminately "mark up" goods, thereby trying to convince shoppers that they are worth more than they are. In other words, honest persuasion is permitted; deception is forbidden. Luzzatto, Mesillat Yesharim --The Path of the Upright, Mordecai M. Kaplan, trans. (Philadelphia: JPS, 1936), chap. 11, pp. 144-156.


Source KeyHTBAJ
Source Page(s)196-7
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