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LEVITICUS | 25:17 abuse — LEV985 (Continued from [[EXOD660]] Exodus 22:21 a...

LEV985 (Continued from [[EXOD660]] Exodus 22:21 afflict GATES 197-9). One who causes any Jew to suffer, although these [above] punishments were not stated in respect to him, nonetheless, he has transgressed a negative commandment, as the pasuk says [this verse], "You shall not abuse your fellowman." Our Sages, z"l, said (Bava Metzia 58b), "The Torah is referring to verbal abuse," which is a form of anguish and harassment. (This is the same language as [Yeshayahu 49:26], "I will feed the flesh of your abusers." (I.e., the words תונו in [this verse] and מוניך in [Yeshayahu 49:26] are related and refer to provocation and abuse that are specifically verbal). Our Sages, z"l, also said (Bava Metzia 59a), "All the gates are sealed, with the exception of the gate of abuse" (I.e.., All the gates to prayer are sealed, with the exception of one who cries out over verbal abuse (See Rashi)). [In contrast to the above,] when the Torah refers to monetary abuse it mentions financial transactions, as the pasuk says (Vayikra 25:14), "When you sell something to your fellowman… you must not cheat" (I.e., although this pasuk also uses the word תונו ("cheat"), here it means monetary abuse, not verbal, because the verse mentions financial transactions ("sell something to your fellowman".)) The Sages said (Bava Metzia 58b), "Verbal abuse is more severe than monetary abuse, for this one [affects] one's body while the latter [affects only] his finances; concerning the former the pasuk says [this verse], 'You shall fear your God,' while concerning the latter it does not say, 'You shall fear.'"


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