143 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Behar (Leviticus 25:1-26:2), Source Book Keys, BLOCH LEVITICUS | 25:14 wrong — LEV969 "They speak falsehood everyone with his ne... LEV969 "They speak falsehood everyone with his neighbor; with smooth words and with a double heart do they speak." -- Psalms 12:3 It is said that every man has some larceny in his heart. If there is any truth to this cynical remark, one may properly add that there is some hypocrisy in every man's mind. Surely people who pretend in public to adhere to a strict code of integrity and morality but fail to live up to their professed high standards of behavior in the privacy of their homes suffer from a touch of hypocrisy. Mild hypocrisy is generally motivated by a desire to make a good impression and to gain the respect of one's fellowman. Moralists do not condone even the mildest form of hypocrisy, but they accept it as a common human weakness. They are not so charitable when it comes to aggressive hypocrisy directed against other people, mostly for selfish reasons. An individual who secretly disregards the law when it serves his needs but persists in attacking others for their lawlessness is a despicable hypocrite. An individual who is secretly lax in his religious observances but sanctimoniously berates his friends for their lack of religious fervor is it a detestable hypocrite. An individual who seldom supports worthy causes but criticizes others for their skimpy contributions to charity is a mean hypocrite. It is a known fact that vigilante groups engaged in moral crusades attract a high number of hypocrites to their ranks. In addition to the common classes of passive and aggressive hypocrites, there is another category of self-exculpating hypocrites. Chief among these are people who seek to camouflage their record of unethical activities with a screen of respectability and high-minded social consciousness. A thief who ostentatiously donates part of his ill-gained wealth to charity, a loan shark who supports worthy causes, an exploiting employer who sets up philanthropic foundations, are all engaged in a hypocritical cover-up. Institutions which accept tainted largess are inadvertently aiding an unconscionable process of whitewashing. All types of hypocrisy are deceitful, banned under the biblical provision of deceit [this verse]. A harlot's offering, acquired by immoral acts, must be rejected out of hand by the officials of the sanctuary (Deuteronomy 23:19). The same is true of offerings brought by thieves (Rashi, Leviticus 1:2; Sukkah 30a). Share Print Source KeyBLOCHVerse25:14Keyword(s)wrongSource Page(s)170-1 Switch article LEVITICUS | 25:14 wrong — LEV980 Until this point, we have discussed only t... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 25:14 wrong — LEV972 False impressions can be highly damaging t... Next Article