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LEVITICUS | 23:42 sukkah — LEV936 Dwell in a sukkah for the seven days of Su...

LEV936 Dwell in a sukkah for the seven days of Sukkos. In order to recall the great miracles that Hashem performed for our forefathers in the desert when He took them out of Egypt. He surrounded them with the Clouds of Glory, so that the hot sun would not harm them during the day, nor the cold during the night. Some explained that our forefathers built their own huts in the desert, and we, too, build such temporary structures and dwell in them on Sukkos. Through remembering the great wonders that Hashem did for our forefathers and continues to do for us, we are careful to keep His mitzvos. Thereby, we become worthy to receive His blessings, which pleases Him, for He desires to bestow of His Good upon us.


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