158 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Emor (Leviticus 21:1–24:23), Source Book Keys, CHINUCH LEVITICUS | 23:8 offering — LEV918 Bring an additional offering all seven day... LEV918 Bring an additional offering all seven days of Pesach. Key concepts: Man is influenced by his actions, for he is a physical being, so his thoughts and ideals, too, are not solidified except through actions. Therefore, each day of Pesach, Hashem commands us to perform a special action in honor of the holiday. By bringing an additional offering, we take to heart the holiday's greatness and holiness, and recall the miracles and kindnesses that Hashem bestowed upon us at this time. Share Print Source KeyCHINUCHVerse23:8Keyword(s)offeringSource Page(s)187 Switch article LEVITICUS | 23:7 work — LEV917 Desist from prohibited work on the first d... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 23:10 first — LEV919 How does the traditional Jew remind himsel... Next Article