165 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Emor (Leviticus 21:1–24:23), Source Book Keys, AMEMEI LEVITICUS | 22:32 sanctified — LEV913 When others think better of God because of... LEV913 When others think better of God because of the actions that we ourselves do, God is honored. This is known in Jewish terms as Kiddush Hashem, and it is an important mitzvah. Based on the Torah verse commanding Jews that God should become holy through the Jewish people [this verse], Maimonides (Hilchot Yesodei Hatorah 5:1-3) defines how a Jew's actions can either sanctify God's name or desecrate God's name. The Midrash (Midrash Tanna DeBei Eliyahu Rabbah 26:2) states that the entire purpose of the giving of the Torah was to sanctify God's name. The Talmud (Yoma 86a) explains that the commandment to love God (Deut. 6:5) actually means to cause others to love God (or to think greater of Him) because of things that you do. Share Print Source KeyAMEMEIVerse22:32Keyword(s)sanctifiedSource Page(s)235 Switch article LEVITICUS | 22:32 profane — LEV905 A president guilty of sexual abuse; a prim... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 22:32 sanctified — LEV912 See [[LEV225]] Leviticus 18:5 live GATES 3... Next Article