154 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Emor (Leviticus 21:1–24:23), Source Book Keys, PLYN LEVITICUS | 22:32 profane — LEV906 A Torah scholar's behavior must be beyond ... LEV906 A Torah scholar's behavior must be beyond reproach. The Rambam writes: "There are other things that are a profanation of God's name. When a pious Torah scholar does things which cause people to talk against him, even if the acts are not transgressions, he profanes God's name. Examples of this are when such a person buys something and does not pay promptly when he is able to pay and the seller asks him for payment, or when he does not speak pleasantly to others and does not receive them with a pleasant facial expression, but is quarrelsome and easy to anger. The greater the man, the more careful he must be with his behavior. Such a person should go beyond the letter of the law in his dealings with others." If a Torah scholar will be careful about his behavior, will speak pleasantly to people, act friendly toward them, receive him with a pleasant facial expression, will refrain from retorting when he is insulted, will honor those who treat him with disdain, will be honest in his business dealings, will constantly devote himself to Torah study, will always go beyond the letter of the law, and will avoid extremes and exaggerations, then he will be praised and beloved and others will desire to emulate him. This man has sanctified God. About him it is written, 'And He said to me, "You are my servant, O Israel, in whom I shall be glorified."' (Yeshayahu 49:3)." (Hilchos Yesodai Hatorah 5:11) Share Print Source KeyPLYNVerse22:32Keyword(s)profaneSource Page(s)317 Switch article LEVITICUS | 22:32 profane — LEV904 "You shall not profane My Holy Name". We a... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 22:32 profane — LEV905 A president guilty of sexual abuse; a prim... Next Article