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LEVITICUS | 19:35 judgment — LEV804 Do not cheat people by using inaccurate we...

LEV804 Do not cheat people by using inaccurate weights and measures. Whether the item you sell is a liquid or a solid, movable property or land, do not deceive buyers even slightly by means of dishonest weights or measures. The Torah uses the term “judgment” regarding this matter because when someone counts, measures or weighs an item for sale, and on that basis declares its price, he is pronouncing judgment as to what is fair and right. If he deceives his customer through dishonest weights and measures, he is no different from a court judge who intentionally perverted justice. He shows himself to be corrupt, abominable, disgusting and deserving to be ostracized from society. Like a judge who corrupts justice, he causes five woes: he brings spiritual impurity upon the land; profanes the Name of Hashem; causes the Shechinah to withdraw; Israel falls to the sword and is exiled from its homeland. Also to emphasize the seriousness of transgression of this mitzvah, our Sages said: “The punishment for false weights and measures is worse than the punishment for forbidden relations, for the latter is between man and his Maker, while the former is between man and his fellow.”


Source Page(s)163-4
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