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LEVITICUS | 19:32 rise — LEV784 Workers were exempt from the biblical inju...

LEV784 Workers were exempt from the biblical injunction which commands people to rise in the presence of a scholar or elder as a sign of respect [this verse]. It was ruled that this deferential gesture was not required of workers because it conflicted with their obligation to perform uninterrupted work. Scholars were aware of this rule and consequently did not feel offended (Kiddushin 33a). The taking of rest breaks beyond the number sanctioned by common practice or mutual agreement was prohibited (Choshen Mishpat 337:20). These and other restrictive rules do not reflect a bias in favor of employers. They merely emphasized the ethical dictates of honesty. One is tempted to add that many modern civil servants are rarely troubled by such moral considerations. The basic aim of Judaic labor laws is to safeguard the security and dignity of workers and to protect the legitimate rights of employers. It is a serious breach of ethics to treat an employee with disrespect. It is equally a breach of ethics to treat an employer with disrespect.


Source KeyBLOCH
Source Page(s)196
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