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LEVITICUS | 19:32 afraid — LEV769 The fulfillment of a positive commandment ...

LEV769 The fulfillment of a positive commandment is referred to as fear of Heaven, in the same way as is vigilance over a negative commandment, as the pasuk says [this verse], "You shall stand up before the venerable and give respect to a sage, and you shall be afraid of your God (I.e., fear of Hashem leads to the fulfillment of the positive commandment); I am Hashem." The pasuk also says (Tehillim 34:12), "Fear of Hashem I will teach you," after which it says (ibid.; 15), "Turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it." We derive from here that anyone who is not engaged in doing good and pursuing peace has contravened the fear of Heaven, He is considered to be among the wicked, for he is not a God-fearing individual, as the pasuk says (Koheles 8:13), "But for the wicked it will not be well, and he will not live long – – like a [fleeting] shadow – – since he is not afraid God."


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