148 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1–20:27), Source Book Keys, AHAVCH LEVITICUS | 19:18 yourself — LEV725 … the scope of this virtue [i.e., gemiluth... LEV725 … the scope of this virtue [i.e., gemiluth chesed] is not limited to free loans, as some believe, but extends through all the good and kind deeds which a person does to another without receiving recompense. One can perform a chesed with his possessions: by lending his livestock, utensils, money or the like. This constitutes the kindness done with one's property, and is so called by Chazal. One might also extend kindness with his person, this latter category being divisible into two classes: kindness towards the living and kindness towards the dead. Towards the living, one extends chesed by welcoming guests into one's house and exerting oneself on their behalf, and by escorting them on their way; by gladdening the groom and his bride; by visiting the sick and by comforting mourners, or by any similar act towards one's neighbor.… Then there is the kindness extended toward the dead: taking out the coffin, helping with all necessary for the burial, acting as a pall bearer, joining the funeral procession, rising to deliver the eulogy, digging the grave and completing the interment. All such acts are included in the topic of gemiluth chesed. (See Sukkah 49b, Rashi there; Rambam: Laws of Mourning, Chap. 14 -- the sources from which our remarks are derived.) They are included in the positive covenant of [this verse]: "And you shall love your neighbor as yourself"--meaning that whatever you would want others to do to you, you should do to others. Share Print Source KeyAHAVCHVerse19:18Keyword(s)yourselfSource Page(s)21-2 Switch article LEVITICUS | 19:18 vengeance — LEV724 We are forbidden to take revenge or bear a... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 19:18 yourself — LEV730 Jewish Sexual Responsibility. Today, when ... Next Article