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LEVITICUS | 19:18 love — LEV661 If you are a religious person, be aware th...

LEV661 If you are a religious person, be aware that envy will make it impossible for you to fulfill one of the most important biblical commands, "Love your neighbor as yourself" [this verse]. You can't both love someone and feel envy and hostility toward him (an occasional pain of envy is common). Therefore, as noted in the preceding paragraph, when you envy someone, focus on what it is in that person that you find good and lovable. If you are a relatively good person, it is unlikely that the person whom you envy is devoid of virtue; good people don't envy the Adolf Hitler's of the world, no matter how powerful, affluent, or otherwise "successful" they are. Also, try to counter your hostile thoughts (most envious people wish that those they envy will suffer a significant decline in fortune) by offering prayers to God on behalf of those you envy. At first, when you offer a prayer like this, it may be difficult to be sincere. Therefore, before you pray, spend a minute concentrating on your desire to fulfill the command to "Love your neighbor as yourself." Offer the prayer on a daily basis for several weeks, or until you feel your envy start to decline.


Source KeyTELVOL1
Source Page(s)306-7
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