158 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1–20:27), Source Book Keys, PLYN LEVITICUS | 19:17 hate — LEV567 The real voice of Judaism advises us (B.K.... LEV567 The real voice of Judaism advises us (B.K. 93a; Shabb. 88a; Sanhed. 49a) "to be of those who are persecuted, not of those who persecute others; to be of those who are put to shame, not of those who shame others"; not to hate another even inwardly "in thy heart [this verse; Abot ii. 15]); to believe that all those who are righteous will have a share in the World to Come. Israel claims the distinction of being the "Chosen People" not because it regards the Torah as its exclusive possession but because it chose to accept that which other nations, who according to legend had received the offer first and had rejected it. Judaism prays for the time when the world will accept the Torah and walk along its paths of peace and righteousness (Isa. ii. 2-4; Micah iv. 1-5). "Before Thee, O Lord our God let them bow and fall; and unto Thy glorious name let them give honor; let them all accept the yoke of Thy Kingdom, and do Thou reign over them speedily, and for ever and ever" (Aleinu prayer, Singer's Prayer Book, p. 77). Share Print Source KeyLEHRMANVerse19:17Keyword(s)hateSource Page(s)204 Switch article LEVITICUS | 19:17 hate — LEV557 Maimonides summarizes various Talmudic pas... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 19:17 hate — LEV570 We are forbidden to hate a fellow Jew. The... Next Article