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LEVITICUS | 19:16 talebearer — LEV520 Individuals privy to a spicy bit of gossip...

LEV520 Individuals privy to a spicy bit of gossip, which is given confidentially to them, will seldom honor their promise to keep the news secret. Indeed, their breach of confidence is frequently committed with frivolous mischief. It is not that these talebearers are devoid of a sense of honor. It is only that they and their sources of information regard the request for confidentiality as a pro forma ritual which need not be taken seriously. An addicted spreader of gossip may not be guilty of a breach of confidence; nevertheless his conduct is highly unethical. Judaism is critical of talebearing, even if the tale is common knowledge, and such practice is severely condemned in the Bible [this verse]. In areas other than idle gossip, a breach of confidence is a major offense, potentially injurious to life and fortune. One who discloses the secret itinerary of an important official may expose him to the risk of an attack. Revelation of trade secrets may ruin a business. The same is true of many other situations in every walk of life. (Continued at [[DEUT1303]] Deuteronomy 23:24 lips BLOCH 76-7)


Source KeyBLOCH
Source Page(s)76
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