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LEVITICUS | 19:14 fear — LEV389 The Bible hopes that fear of God will prot...

LEV389 The Bible hopes that fear of God will protect the vulnerable from oppression and exploitation. That is why the demand to fear God's is so often added to commands concerning the weak (and not to other commands). For example [this verse]. The average person, even one with a sadistic inclination, is unlikely to trip another; even if he is stronger than his would-be victim, he will fear that the victim will tell others who might then seek retribution. But there is no reason for a cruel person to refrain from hurting a blind person. The victim will have no idea who caused his injury, and might not even realize that the act was done on purpose. Therefore, God appends to this prohibition a reminder to fear God, the one who sees all that we do. ... Rabbi Aaron Levine presents God's warning even more graphically: "Don't imagine that you will escape punishment just because your misdeeds go undetected by your fellow man. No! Remember that it was I who distinguished in Egypt between the firstborn and those who are not firstborn." Levine, Case Studies in Jewish Ethics, 4.


Source KeyTELVOL1
Source Page(s)489-90
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