153 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1–20:27), Source Book Keys, CCCBM LEVITICUS | 19:14 deaf — LEV385 It is a negative commandment to curse no d... LEV385 It is a negative commandment to curse no decent person in Jewry for Scripture says, You shall not curse the deaf [this verse]; it speaks of a deaf person to make a stronger point – – that even though this individual does not hear and suffers no distress from the curse, nevertheless one transgresses by cursing him. If a person curses himself, he likewise violates this. However, one who utters a curse does not commit the transgression unless he does so with the Divine name or a substitute name [of God]. If it was even with any term by which the heathen call the Holy One, blessed is He, that is like any of the substitute holy names. Share Print Source KeyCCCBMVerse19:14Keyword(s)deafSource Page(s)139 Switch article LEVITICUS | 19:14 curse — LEV381 At times, an additional prohibition is vio... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 19:14 deaf — LEV387 We are forbidden to curse others. It is f... Next Article