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LEVITICUS | 19:14 curse — LEV379 "You must not curse judges (Lit., "God." T...

LEV379 "You must not curse judges (Lit., "God." The appellation of Elohim is used in the verse as a reference to both God and judges; see Rashi (Shemos 22:27). Rabbeinu Yonah here discusses only the latter), nor may you curse a leader of your people (Shemos 2:27); "You must not curse a deaf person "[this verse]. We have been admonished herein not to curse a Jew with the use of Hashem's Name, or with any of the appellations of Hashem's Name (See Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Sanhedrin 26:3). That which the Torah mentions, "You must not curse judges," "a leader," and "a deaf person," (I.e., why are these singled out when it is forbidden to curse any Jew?) comes to admonish not to curse the judge who finds one guilty, nor the leader who punishes him, delivering him into the hand of his own iniquity (Iyov 8:4). It is necessary to single out the deaf, lest one say, "There is no punishment for one who curses the deaf since he cannot hear and does not suffer as a result of his being cursed." "You must not curse judges" is stated at the end of Parashas Mishpatim, teaching us that it is forbidden to curse the judge who adjudicates in accordance with these laws (the Torah portion of Mishpatim from its beginning (Shemos 21:1) until the injunction against cursing a judge (Shemos 22:27) discusses monetary laws. Only the judge who rules in accordance with these laws may not be cursed.) However, the judge who does not rule by these laws may be cursed. (Continued at [[DEUT1554]] Deuteronomy 28:5 Name GATES 227)


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