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LEVITICUS | 19:12 swear — LEV351 Lashes are administered for some of the pr...

LEV351 Lashes are administered for some of the prohibitions relating to speech, for this is what our Sages, z"l, said (Makos 16a): "Pertaining to all the prohibitions of the Torah, lashes are not administered for [the violation of] an injunction lacking a physical action, with the exception of one who swears (i.e., falsely or in vain) or curses another in Hashem's Name." Although an oath taken in vain does not involve capital punishment administered by beis din, nonetheless, its punishment through Heaven is much more severe than that of the many transgressions that do have such capital punishment -- for one who swears falsely desecrates Hashem's Name, as [this verse] says. ..., and the punishment for the desecration of God's name supersedes that of all other sins. This is not stated (i.e., that a prohibition involves desecration of Hashem's Name), [in the Torah] in respect to any transgression other than that of a false oath and idolatry, as the pasuk says [concerning idolatry] (Vayikra 20:3), "For he gave of his offspring to Molech, so as to defile that which is sanctified to Me and to desecrate My holy Name."


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