175 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1–20:27), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-LEV LEVITICUS | 19:11 steal — LEV340 Rava said: Why does Scripture states: "Do ... LEV340 Rava said: Why does Scripture states: "Do not steal"? [Derived it (the prohibition against taking another's property) from the interdiction of usury and of cheating.] [We are being taught] "Do not steal" [even if only] to taunt [i.e., with the intention of returning the stolen object]; "Do not steal" [even if] to increase the liability of kefel [paying double in order to benefit the other!] (Bava Metzia 61b) Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-LEVVerse19:11Keyword(s)stealSource Page(s)321 Switch article LEVITICUS | 19:11 steal — LEV341 See [[EXOD465]] Exodus 20:13 steal TAMARI 3... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 19:12 falsely — LEV346 It is a negative commandment not to swear ... Next Article