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LEVITICUS | 18:3 customs — LEV203 "You must not follow their customs" [this ...

LEV203 "You must not follow their customs" [this verse]. We have been admonished herein to distance ourselves from all Emorite customs, among them the use of incantations and amulets whose proficiency for healing has not been ascertained. … We have referred to some of the things in which many are negligent unknowingly, for no one has made them aware; and to some things which people know are forbidden, but do not know the severity of the prohibition. We have mentioned them so that the erring populace will not stay with them. Let the wise hear and add [his own] learning [Mishlei 1:5], in order to warn the populace concerning all such similar matters. The enlightened will remind others, and they will shine like the brightness of the firmament.


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