166 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Acharei Mot (Leviticus 16:1–18:30), Source Book Keys, GATES LEVITICUS | 16:30 atonement — LEV182 When our Sages, z"l, said (Yoma 86a) that ... LEV182 When our Sages, z"l, said (Yoma 86a) that for transgressions that incur excision or capital punishment administered by beis din, repentance together with Yom Kippur suspend, and suffering purges [and completes the atonement]--the question that arises is: doesn't the pasuk state [this verse], "[For on this day…] you shall be purified of all your sins before Hashem"? (I.e., this pasuk is referring to the day of Yom Kippur, and implies that Yom Kippur atones for everything, and does not just suspend.) The answer is as follows: When the pasuk says "you shall be purified [of all your sins] before Hashem," this is a positive commandment to repent, I.e., to examine and analyze our ways, and return to Hashem on Yom Kippur (It is not a statement that Yom Kippur atones for everything, but a commandment to do what we need to in order to achieve atonement, I.e., "shall" is understood as "must." See the Second Gate, paragraph 14.) Although we are required to [purify ourselves of sin] at all times, there is a greater obligation to do so on Yom Kippur, and the purification [process] that is at our disposal for doing so is repentance and the righting of deeds. On the other hand, that which the [beginning of the] pasuk [this verse], says "For on this day [the Kohen Gadol] will make atonement for you to purify you"--referring to Hashem's purifying us from transgression and granting us complete atonement on Yom Kippur, without the need for suffering--this was in reference to the negative Commandments (I.e., this actually does state that Yom Kippur atones fully, but only for the transgression of negative commandments that do not incur excision or capital punishment. See paragraph six.). But for transgressions that incur excision or capital punishment administered by beis din, repentance together with Yom Kippur suspend and suffering purges. Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse16:30Keyword(s)atonementSource Page(s)479-80 Switch article LEVITICUS | 16:30 atonement — LEV181 This concept (I.e. that repentance alone i... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 16:30 before — LEV183 R. Elazar b. Azaryah expounded: "of all of... Next Article