235 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Acharei Mot (Leviticus 16:1–18:30), Source Book Keys, SINAI1 LEVITICUS | 16:2 any — LEV170 Yose ben Yohanan of Jerusalem said: … let ... LEV170 Yose ben Yohanan of Jerusalem said: … let the poor be members of your household; Pirkei Avot, Perek 1, mishnah 5. The kind of hospitality that our Torah requires is possible only when we look upon the poor and on our obligation to them, as if they were members of our own household. Charity indeed begins at home, but the "home kind" of charity should not end there. The Gaon of Vilna once approached a wealthy man for a contribution for a destitute family. The man countered by paraphrasing a verse from Psalms: "I perform acts of tz'dakah at all times," (Psalms 106:3) implying that his continuous giving absolved him from making any further contributions. Amazed, the Gaon asked him how he managed to give charity constantly. The rich man, very satisfied with himself, opened the Talmud and pointed to the Rabbinic interpretation of this verse, "who do charity at all times" -- that it refers to one who feeds his young sons and daughters (T.B. Ketuboth 50a). Determined to answer the man in kind, the Gaon replied with a smile, "But there is another passage in the Torah which reads, 'Let him not come at all times to the Holy Place' [this verse]. He who hides behind the excuse of the Rabbinic interpretation of 'at all times' can never attain holiness." Taking care of your own family does not absolve you of your obligations to the poor who turn to you. But not only must you consider your obligation to the poor as compelling as your obligation to your family; you must actually treat them as such. "Let the poor of the members of your household." Do not demean the poor individual or humble him. His having to accept charity is humbling enough. Do not add to his sense of estrangement. When he comes into your house, make him feel at home. Part of the duty of hospitality is to convert the poor into members of your household. (Continued at [[DEUT470]] Deuteronomy 10:19 strangers SINAI1 56-7) Share Print Source KeySINAI1Verse16:2Keyword(s)anySource Page(s)56 Switch article LEVITICUS | 16:1 death — LEV169 It was taught: Why is their death mentione... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 16:2 enter — LEV171 Kohanim and certainly others shall not ent... Next Article