219 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Metzora (Leviticus 14:1–15:33), Source Book Keys, CHINUCH LEVITICUS | 14:10 sheep — LEV156 Laws of the metzora’s offering when he is ... LEV156 Laws of the metzora’s offering when he is cured of his tsara’as. Offerings supply imagery that humbles the heart of the sinner who is obligated to bring them. The offerings inspire him to subdue his animal side and place his noble soul in charge of his life (See [[EXOD940]] Exodus 25:8 sanctuary CHINUCH 62-5). Accordingly, a metzora must bring offerings. He was stricken with tsara’as because he was drawn after base desires which led him to speak or act in ways that harmed his fellow. When he is cured, the offerings remind him of his sin and set him on the correct path for the future. Share Print Source KeyCHINUCHVerse14:10Keyword(s)sheepSource Page(s)121-2 Switch article LEVITICUS | 14:9 hair — LEV155 A metzora's purification requires that he ... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 14:12 guilt — LEV157 Speaking loshon hora implies a lack of awa... Next Article