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LEVITICUS | 11:44 sanctify — LEV125 It may well be that another reason for the...

LEV125 It may well be that another reason for the observance of the Dietary Laws, apart from the main stress on holiness found in Leviticus xi. 43-47, is the principle that it is forbidden to eat or do anything which is likely to impair one's state of health. (Bava Kamma 91b, "No man may do injury to himself.) So important is this prophylactic principle that a Rabbi is of the opinion that even such foods that come under the banner of forbidden things are temporarily permitted if, by their means, life may be prolonged (Hullin 10a. See also Ta'anit 11a: "He that makes fasting habitual, is deemed a sinner." If he is a teacher of children, for instance, he will not be able to devote of his best to the task at hand if he spends his days in chastising his body.) In fact, such acts that are conducive to physical health are considered prime religious duties. Those practices that may lead to a weakening of the faculties are deemed sinful and obnoxious, and contrary to Jewish thought. Interesting is the suggestion made by some scholars that antediluvian man lived so long because he ate a healthy vegetarian food produced by the rich soil prior to its deterioration by the waters of the Flood. (Continued at [[DEUT1006]] Deut. 20:19 destroy LEHRMAN 74)


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