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LEVITICUS | 10:3 silent — LEV91 There are five signs which, when manifest i...

LEV91 There are five signs which, when manifest in a humble individual, verify his humility…. 2. After he has sustained a severe financial loss or a tragedy involving one of his loved ones, if his patience overcomes the shock, and he accepts the decree of the Creator and declares His judgment just-- this is indicative of real humility and lowliness before God. As Scripture says of Aharon, when he suffered the loss of [his sons] Nadav and Avihu, “And Aharon remained silent” (Vayikra 10:3). David likewise said, “Be silent before God, and wait patiently for Him” (Tehillim 37:7); and it says, “Therefore, at such a time the wise person will keep silent” (Amos 5:13).


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Source Page(s)581-3
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