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LEVITICUS | 5:19 guilt — LEV47 Know that if one sees another transgressing...

LEV47 Know that if one sees another transgressing a Torah prohibition in private, and he publicly reveals his sin, he has surely incurred guilt for this [this verse; I.e., even though he is reporting on a sinner, this too is lashon hara.] -- perhaps the sinner has repented from his evil behaviour, and his thoughts are filled with anguish, for the heart knows its own bitterness [Mishlei 14:10; see also paragraph 217]. It is not right to reveal these sins to anyone other than to a discreet [Torah] sage who will not discuss it with others (See Pesachim 113b). Nonetheless, he should avoid the company of the sinner until he knows that he has repented from his evil behavior. But if the sinner is a Torah scholar and one who fears sin, it should be assumed that he has truly repented (I.e., as such, he need not reveal the matter even to a sage, nor must he avoid his company), and that through this once his yetzer may have overpowered him, he feels embittered afterwards (I.e., and therefore he surely will not commit the sin again.)


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