142 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26), Source Book Keys, GATES LEVITICUS | 2:6 break — LEV23 (Continued from [[GEN296]] Genesis 2:18 alo... LEV23 (Continued from [[GEN296]] Genesis 2:18 alone GATES 422-3). The word vahafitisa ["that you grind"] is the same as vahafitosa, in the verb form of hasibosa (Rabbeinu Yonah understand the root of vahafitisa (והפתית) to be פתת (see this verse). Since the second and third letter of the root are identical (ת), the active verb form would usually be vahafitosa (והפתות), just like savav (סבב) becomes hasibosa (הסבות; see Yechezkel 7:22). The meaning is: with your lips you grind up his face -- as a result of his extreme embarrassment (Rabbeinu Yonah in his commentary to Mishlei explains that this is similar to (Yeshayahu 3:15), "You grind up the faces of the poor" (by belittling them -- Rashi) -- by exposing his hidden sin. Subsequent to this [Shlomo] said, "Do not say,' As he has done to me I will do to him'"--if he has exposed your sin, do not take revenge or bear a grudge, by doing to him what he has done to you. This is a highly regarded moral rule and a fundamental principle in fearing Hashem. If the sinner has no fear before God, such as one who divests himself of the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven and is not heedful of [even] one sin that is publicly acknowledged to be a sin, it is permissible to shame and denigrate him. This is what our Sages said (Bava Metzia 59a): "'You shall not abuse your fellowman" (Vayikra 25:17) -- do not verbally abuse one who is your fellowman in Torah and mitzvos; but one who shows no concern for God's word, it is permissible to shame him over his activities, to publicize his abominations, and to ridicule him. They also say (Yoma 86b) , "Charlatans should be exposed in public, ("evildoers who pretend that they are righteous" (Rashi) to prevent the desecration of Hashem's name. But if one by chance occurrence succumbs to sin, when most of his days his way is to guard himself from sin, then he may not expose his sin, as we have explained. (Continued at [[NUM223]] Numbers 17:3 sinned GATES 425). Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse2:6Keyword(s)breakSource Page(s)421-5 Switch article LEVITICUS | 2:1 offering — LEV22 Bring the flour offering according to its l... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 2:11 leaven — LEV24 Do not bring leaven or honey on the Altar. ... Next Article