149 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26), Source Book Keys, AGUS LEVITICUS | 1:9 offering — LEV20 The historical value of certain precepts, s... LEV20 The historical value of certain precepts, such as the sacrifices, served a useful educational purpose at a time when the people were not ready for more spiritual forms of worship. (Nahmanides commentary on this verse). Share Print Source KeyAGUSVerse1:9Keyword(s)offeringSource Page(s)113 Switch article LEVITICUS | 1:7 fire — LEV19 One who renders a halachic decision in his ... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 1:16 cast — LEV21 A person cannot use his poverty as a justif... Next Article