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EXODUS | 32:25 exposed — EXOD993 … one who delays repentance, when subsequ...

EXOD993 … one who delays repentance, when subsequently the opportunity for sinning presents itself to him again, will fall prey to it as he initially did, in this latter sin will then be even more severe, and his crime will ascend before Hashem. [The reason for this is because] initially it had not occurred to him that this ruling yetzer would so unexpectedly come upon him; but now that he has seen his weakness, how his yetzer has prevailed over him and how much stronger it is, he should have realized that he is at a disadvantage [this verse, lit. "that he is exposed."] As such, he should have formulated a plan for increasing his fear of Heaven-- to case Hashem's fear over his soul, rescuing it from the yetzer's ambush and protecting himself from his sin. Shlomo [HaMelech], a"h, said (Mishlei 26:11), "Like a dog who returns to its vomit, [so is] a fool who repeats his foolishness." What this means is: a dog eats vile things, and when he spits them out, they become even more repulsive. Yet the dog returns to eat them again. So it is with the fool. By doing something reprehensible and [then] repeating it, it becomes even more reprehensible, as we have explained. (Continued at [[DEUT563]] Deuteronomy 12:17 eat GATES 9)


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