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EXODUS | 30:35 perfumer — EXOD967 The word Rokeach occurs in the Bible [thi...

EXOD967 The word Rokeach occurs in the Bible [this verse] where it is translated "perfumer", and this prompted [Rabbi Judah He'hasid of Regensburg (d. 1200); author of "Book of the Pious"] to try and impart to the daily life of the Jew the fragrance of religion. His object has well been described thus: "Just as the holy anointing-oil scented the lowliest vessels of the sanctuary, so the goodly direction of the Rokeah sought to sweeten and glorify the humblest life." To him, as to the French philosopher Amiel, religion without mysticism was like a rose without perfume. Though he advocated the most meticulous observance of Jewish ritual, he always emphasized the finer aspects of our moral standards.


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