251 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Exodus, Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10), Source Book Keys, DORFF-RUTTENBERGWAR EXODUS | 28:35 heard — EXOD955 Our Rabbis taught: Seven things did Rabbi... EXOD955 Our Rabbis taught: Seven things did Rabbi Akiba charge his son, Rabbi Joshua: My son... Do not enter your own house suddenly, and all the more your neighbor’s house... Rashi on this passage: “Do not enter your house suddenly,” but rather call out to them [those inside] before you enter in case they are engaged in something private. Rabbi Yohanan, when he would go to visit [Rabbi Hanina] would knock at the door, as it says, “its voice should be heard when he comes into the sanctuary” (Exodus 28:35). Babylonian Talmud, Pesahim 112a (cf. Niddah 16b). Share Print Source KeyDORFF-RUTTENBERGWARVerse28:35Keyword(s)heardSource Page(s)5-6 Switch article EXODUS | 28:4 garments — EXOD954 The Kohanim shall wear special priestly g... Previous Article EXODUS | 28:35 heard — EXOD956 When Rabbi Yochanan was about to go in to... Next Article